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Saturday, February 09, 2013

Liebster Award

       First of all Congratulations Karan, and Thank you for nominating me for the LiEbStEr Award.

Now for all the curious souls, like mine. I launched into a Shashthang Pranam to Google, to help me with the idea behind the term and the award . As Karan has mentioned, its an award to the "Dearest or beloved" blogger. I also managed to find the origin (i assume) of the same on a blog dated 2010.

Anyways, lets proceed to the new rules :

* Post 11 things about Yourself
* Answer 11 q from the nominator
*Choose 11 deserving bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
*Set 11 q for them and inform them that they have been awarded. Simple ryt??

Now One thing about myself I'm Lazy , so I'm going to answer the 11 q. So you'd also know 11 things about me.. Yayyyyy :P

These are Karan's q's and my answers to them :)

1.  What made you start your blog?
     I figured typing was a better option to writing , especially when i couldn't comprehend what i had written.

2.  Do you encourage others to start blogging?
     No, to each his own.

3.  How many incomplete blogs you have written that you somehow couldn’t complete? Why so?
     I had two Incomplete posts. Serah and opaque. I felt emotionally drained writing both of them. o i let them be.

4.  Do you have any childhood dream you want to accomplish? If yes, what it is?
     No, I'm living it.

5.  What is your most embarrassing moment?
     Everytime i try recollecting who i'm talking with.

6.  If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?

7.  The best compliment you have got till date?
     That i have a "Great memory"

8.  Craziest thing you did?
     Talked loudly to myself, while travelling in a Local train.
9.  Which possession of yours you can’t tolerate to be touched by others?
      My bottle of water
10.  Define yourself in 4 words.
       Impulsive, Dreamer, Loyal, Mush pot

11.  What does this award mean to you?
        Another Post under the Label "Award"

I nominate : (My nominations are purely on the basis that i love to read their blogs, and yes i might be breaking rules of the 11 nominations etc. ANYHOW, these are the guys... drum rolls and a thunderous applause guys :)

Just another wake-up call
Unknown shri

My Questions :

1. What is the craziest thing you have done to increase your Blog followers?
2. What is the best story/poem/post you have written so far?
3. Who is your Favorite Follower?
4. One comment on your Blog that made you Rofl
5. Do you feel a compulsive need to keep updating your Blog?
6. Funniest Post you ever read.
7. Do you feel that certain comments are just to patronize you, or rather to get you to comment on their post. How do you deal with it.
8. If you had a magic lamp, what would you wish for , on your Blog
9. What is/was your dream profession?
10. If you had to snuggle up all by yourself, with a book, which one would it be, and why.
11. If you had to publish your Blog,, what would you name the book?


  1. Thank you Ti...

    I loved Serah to bits :) She is such a wonderful woman, and last week only I read the series.. Glad I am able to relate to your mention of Serah today!

    1. @ kappu : welcome luv ... u totallly deserve it :) .. Oh yea, i love her too ... just trying to give her the ending

  2. :O :O :O This is a shocker really. Come on! I don't know you like my blogs!! :O I'm so honoured, Menachery! I have tears in my eyes *_* You totally made my day! I love you for this! :D xoxoxo

    1. @Chhavi : lol .. i know . I gues it must be more cz of the fact that i have been n ot physically present on ur blog via comments etc.... but i do read most of your posts thanks to BAT ... and trust me, when i was thinking of the 11 ppl to be nominated, the above list was the first that came to my mind :) ... So congratualations once again, and am glad i made your day ... Hugs

  3. Thank you, Tinu - moved. About the tag, err...umm..ah.. :P

    1. hahhaahh SRI, i expected the very same comment from your end :P .. heheheh n FYI rules r rules.. u better start nominating ppl ... pass on the love ;)

  4. first of all many congratulations...you completely deserve it :))
    and secondly i loved the answer you got to the Q.7 which is so contradicting :P

    1. Thank you Karan .. heheheh lol , not being sarcastic, but thats what i have been told often :P :D .. i guess ppl around me are just nice people ... :)

    2. its gr8 to have such people around...it inspires us to do things our way without worrying about what others will think
      and i was talking in terms of your contrasting answers to Q.5 & 7.

  5. Congratulations Menachery - and many thanks for nominating me.

    On second thoughts, maybe I should not be thanking you - you have asked such a controversial question - I mean my favoritte follower???? Come on - I name any one and I lose all the rest :) I should maybe answer that like the coy heroine asked abt her fav. hero - "all the followers I have got are my favorites and all the followers that I have not yet got are my favorites too" :)

    Don't be surprised to see that answer repeated in my post :)

    1. @ CS .. Thank you, and you surely deserve it :)

      Lol, hehehheeh you know when i tot of q's , i felt it was apt to have smthn related to ur blog than personal life. So the q's..:P .. n lol, its totally your ans, so you can be diplomatic , like the ehem "coy heroine" you LURVSSS all her co-stars :P ...

      heheheh .. honestly am waiting to read your answers.

  6. My acceptance post.



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